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day one - length 23 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. No breaks in between.

1. Jumping Jacks

2. Crunches

3. Knee ups (lift one knee up to your chest, one at a time - like marching)

4. Squats

5. Pushups (when tired - get on your knees but keep going)


3 min break


5 min to practice the stance - take it slow.

1. Practice the stance, try standing in front of a mirror. 


day one complete. 

day two - length 20 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. No breaks in between.

1. Squat Hold - sit in a squat position knees bent at 90 degrees.

2. Crunches

3. Mountain Climbers - from top of a pushup position, move knees alernatively to the same side elbow.

4. Alternate Leg Lunges - you can do this walking forwards/backwards or in one spot.

5. Single-Leg Calf Raises - stand on left for 30 secs, then on right for the other 30 secs.


3 min break


5 min to practice the stance - take it slow.

1. Practice the stance, try standing in front of a mirror. 


day two complete. 

day three - length 20 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. No breaks in between.

1. Squats

2. Close Grip Push Ups - keep your elbows close to your body, with your hands at your mid chest. 

3. Bicycle Crunches

4. One Leg Hops - you will hop up and down on one leg, 30 secs for each leg.

5. Plank - to increase difficulty, point heels backwards and push your elbows up and away from your body.


3 min break


3 min to practice the stance


2 min to practice moving in your stance, movements will include forwards and backwards, and side to side. 


day three complete. 

day four - aim for 26 min - target reps

excercise one

50 squats - the deeper the squat the better.

excercise two

100 jumping jacks - the wider the feet the better.

excercise three

50 crunches - keep the abs tight the whole time.

excercise four

45 pushups - wide or close grip, your choice.

excercise five

25 monkey jumps - jump as high as you can, push off the floor with your toes.


3 min break

technique one

1 min to practice the stance

technique two

3 min to practice moving in your stance, movements will include forwards and backwards, and side to side. 

take 3 steps forward, 2 steps backwards, 1 step to the left, 3 steps to the right.


day four complete. 

day five - length 23 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. No breaks in between.

1. Jumping Jacks

2. Straight Legged Sit Ups - for the first round do crunches.

3. Monkey Jumps

4. Wall Sits - sit against a wall at a 90 degree bend.

5. Plank - to increase difficulty, point heels backwards and push your elbows up and away from your body.


3 min break


1 min to practice the stance


3 min to practice moving in your stance, movements will include forwards and backwards, and side to side. 

take 2 steps forward, 1 steps backwards, 3 steps to the left, 2 steps to the right.


1 min of crunches.


day five complete. 

day six - length 25 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 4 rounds. No breaks in between.

1. Jumping Jacks

2. Mountain Climbers

3. Knee ups

4. Crunches


3 min break


1 min to practice the stance


2 min to practice moving in your stance,

take 2 steps forward, 2 steps backwards, 3 steps to the left, 2 steps to the right.

Keep Doing this until your 2 minutes are up.


2 min of jumping jacks


day five complete. 

day seven - length 24 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. No breaks in between.

1. Squats

2. One Leg Hops

3. Push Ups

4. Navy Seals 

5. Burpees


3 min break


2 min to practice moving in your stance,

take 3 steps forward, 2 steps backwards, 2 steps to the left, 2 steps to the right.

Keep Doing this until your 2 minutes are up.


1 min of pushups


2 min of crunches


1 min of jumping jacks


day seven complete. 

day eight - length 30 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. 1 min break in between.

1. Squats

2. Squat pulses - do this on your toes and hop up a little on each squat.

3. Push up pulses - stay at the middle for 30 secs, and the bottom for 30 secs.

4. V-Up Sit ups 

5. Mountain Climbers


3 min break


Today is day 8 - you will start to learn how to punch in muay thai. You will learn how to Jab and Cross.

Do this while in your stance for 4 mins. 

Do 10 Jabs in a row.

Do 10 Crosses in row.

Do 10 jab, cross combinations. 


2 min of alternating straght leg raises.


2 min of supermans.


1 min of alternate leg hops - while in your stance, hop up and switch foot positiong alternatively.


day eight complete. 

day nine - length 21 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 4 rounds. 30 sec break in between.

1. Jumping alterate lunges

2. Jab cross combinations

3. Bicycle crunches

4. Burpees


1 min break


2 min of jumping jacks


day nine complete. 

day ten - length 27 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 4 rounds. 30 sec break in between.

1. Wall Sits

2. Jab cross combinations - fast and on the balls of your feet to increase speed.

3. 90 degree leg crunches - lay on your back and placeyour legs up, start crunching.

4. Plank

5. Mountain climbers


1 min break


Today you will learn how to throw the teep. Review the how to before you begin.

Practice how to throw the rear teep for 4 min. You will be using this technique in your next days cardio rounds. 


day ten complete. 

day eleven - aim to finish

excercise one

100 alternating hops - hop up with your feet in the stance and alternate the footing as you land.

excercise two

60 navy seals - the slower the better and harder, keep chin on chest. 

excercise three

25 close grip pushups 

excercise four

100 jab-cross combinations

excercise five

10 right teeps - take these slow and make sure you get the right technique

excercise six

10 left teeps - take these slow and make sure you get the right technique

excercise seven

45 mountain climbers - jump as high as you can, push off the floor with your toes.

excercise eight

40 crunches 


day eleven complete. 

day twelve - length 25 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 2 rounds. 30 sec break in between.

1. Left Side Mountain climbers - meet the left knee with the left elbow continuously for the whole round.

2. Right Side Mountain climbers - meet the rightknee with the right elbow continuously for the whole round.

3. Left Side One Leg Hops 

4. Right Side One Leg Hops 

5. Jab cross + rear round house combinations

6. Straight Leg sit ups - lay on your back with your legs straight do a complete full sit up.

7. Jumping Jacks


2 min break


Today you will learn how to throw the knees. Review the knees before you begin.

Practice how to throw the knee for 4 min. You will be using this technique in your next days cardio rounds. 


Today you will also learn how to throw the hook. Review the hook to before you begin.

Practice how to throw the hook for 4 min. You will be using this technique in your next days cardio rounds. 


day twelve complete. 

day thirteen - length 25 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 3 rounds. 1 min break in between.

1. Skater Hops - start on one foot, jump about shoulder length apart and land on the other foot, always be on one foot.

2. Continuous Right Knees

3. Continuous Left Knees 

4. Alternating Left Teeps and Right Teeps.

5. Jab Cross Combination

6. Navy Seals

7. Alternating Left and Right Hooks


day thirteen complete. 

day fourteen - length 25 min


1 min each excercise, do this for 2 rounds. 1 min break in between.

1. Left Side One Leg Hops

2. Right Side One Leg Hops

3. Alternating Left Knees and Right Knees. 

4. Alternating Left Teeps and Right Teeps. 

5. Monkey Jumps

5. Jab Cross Combination

6. Prisoner Squats - Do squats with your hands on your head.

7. Alternating Left and Right Hooks

8. Crunches

9. Mountain Climbers


day fourteen complete. 

day 8
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7
day 8
day 9
day 10
day 11
day 12
day 13

Muay Thai Workout Program

your online 14 day muay thai fitness plan

get in shape learning martial arts - your exclusive online resource for techniques, drills, HIIT, and conditioning. 

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C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

You have successfully completed our 14 day  muay thai workout program.

day 14
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