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Muay Thai is the Art of Eight Limbs - this martial art uses eight points of contact to strike the opponent– fists, feet (shins), elbows and knees. Muay Thai is known for its powerful strikes.These strikes are the fundamentals of Muay Thai, theses are what you should aim to be good at before learning the 'cool' moves, it will make transitioninng into other striking positions much easier. My goal at Muay Thai School is to become the best we can be in our techniques with proper form. This section will describe the different strikes with proper technique and form with as many tips as possible.

Punches are can be pretty impressive - with proper technique and form, you can have clean and powerful punches. It is pretty important to get the technique right before trying to throw maximum power or speed behind the punch. The main punches in Muay thai are the (1) jab, (2) cross, (3) hook, and (4) uppercut.

Elbows are a technique that makes Muay Thai unique to most other martial arts. Not only will it impact a target or opponent pretty hard, but it usefule when you are too close to throw a punch or kick. Elbows in Muay Thai are used for close range striking. These are a little harder to get used to than punching - so just keep practicing and using this site for proper form and you will be able to show off your abilities in no time. The elbows we will describe on this web page are the main ones, there are much more but we will only focus on the ones that are easier and more fundamental.


The point of impact on an elbow strike is the tip of the elbow. The fundamental eblows in Muay Thai are the (1) horizontal elbow, (2) uppercut elbow, (3) slashing elbow, and (4) diagonal elbow.


Since Muay Thai is a form of kickboxing then its obvious that kicks will be a technique we need to learn. It's incredible to see how powerful a kick can be from a muay thai fighter. The Muay Thai kick is often compared to a baseball bat. The more we practice and get our techniques on point, the harder and faster our kicks can become. The fundamental kicks in Muay Thai we will look at are the (1) round house, (2) teep, (3) cut, and (4) head. 


The knees are used mostly when in close range to a target or opponent. For our purposes we want to focus on the fundamental knees. Knees can be used while in the clinch (hold) or standing a short distance from your target. Knees in Muay Thai are another technique that are unique to this martial art. The knees we will look at will be the (1) straight knee, and (2) round knee.

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